Wednesday, June 23, 2010

What Is The Gratitude Gap?

The Gratitude Gap happens when we fail to express appreciation 
for the goodness in our lives.

The Gratitude Gap is occurs when we show lack to no appreciation for 
the challenges, problems and pain that comes into our lives.

The Gratitude Gap occurs whenever we show a lack of appreciation.
  • Lack of appreciation for things ... great or small;
  • Lack of appreciation of the painful things;
  • Lack of appreciation for anything and/or anyone we may dislike or causes us pain.

The Gratitude Gap isn't about liking or loving everything and everyone. It's about showing appreciation for the gifts EVERYONE and EVERYTHING brings into our lives. Situations, words and deeds that enrich us in ways we never believed possible. No matter how painless or how painful they may be.

Bottom line... the Gratitude Gap  is about being thankful for every single opportunity to learn and to grow past our own short-comings.

Gratitude strengthens our emotional, mental and spiritual muscle.    The Gratitude Gap creates a weaken state within our selves.   We are left vulnerable to the challenges that come our way.   By showing gratitude for those challenges, you build stronger 'muscles' that can help you get through the toughest situations.

No, it isn't easy being thankful for pain.  No one said it would be.  But the more you do it, during the times it is happening to you ... you will soon discover how smoother it is to get past those little annoyances that come your way.

You Don't Miss The Water 'Til The Well Runs Dry"

How quick we are to accept the good that comes our way. How quick we are to call it our blessing when everything is going smoothly.

How quickly we forget the priceless gift our painful experiences are.

Be honest with yourself. Where would you be without your painful experiences? What kind of person would you be in this moment ... without them?

Many believe they would have had a better and happier life if only ... if only there hadn't been so much pain -- so many hardships -- so many "road-blocks" in their lives.

What the majority fail to understand is this:  Our hardships and pain help mold us and nourish us just as much as the goodness and the joy does.

As a race, human experiencers are wired to come into a true appreciation only when something and/or someone is no longer available or 'something'  has been withheld.   Sad, but true.

We have left many clues for ourselves to remind us of this.   Clues that can be found through our 'sayings' ... such as  'the forbidden fruit' is more desirable, 'you don't miss the water 'til the well runs dry', 'the grass is always greener on the other side.'  These are only a few ... can you name others?

In truth, there are people and situations that drive us absolutely insane!  There are people in our lives we would love to see just disappear entirely.  I have a list of those types of people myself!  But if you were to step back and really see past the irritations, aggravations, annoyances and hardships ... I would be willing to bet that you would see how much you have learned from it all.  How much you have grown as a person.

Take a few moments and see for yourself the valuable lessons these annoying situations and irritating people have brought into your life.    Express your gratitude for the opportunities it gave you to grow up emotionally, mentally and most importantly... spiritually.

Communicate, Appreciate and Validate

Take a moment,  each and every day,  to Communicate your Appreciation for all those who have help you grow!  No matter how insignificant you think/believe it is, no matter how painful it may be, Validate those (including situations) who have come into your life, who took the time and energy in giving you that much needed growth spurt!

Notice the difference in your own energy when you do this.  See how much lighter you become.  How much stronger you feel.

Take stock in how far you have come because of --and in spite of-- those people and situations.

In doing so ... you will close the Gratitude Gap.

A Simple "Thank You" goes a LONG way!  But don't take my word for it!  Try it Your Self!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Forgiveness: Part III -- Let Go & Let God

 The road to freedom is through the doorway to forgiveness.~Louise L. Hay

Forgiveness does not mean condoning bad behavior.
Forgiveness does not mean condoning abuse.
Forgiveness is the refusal of holding on to the pain inflicted through word and/or deed.
Forgiveness is refusing to carrying that pain.


I feel guided to pass on to you an article I wrote back in January 2005. The Transformations we are each undergoing requires our "REMEMBERING" the importance of Letting Go and Allowing ourselves to rely on God Creators when we cannot do what we desire on our own!

Antari & I send you our Love and Great BIG Hugs!




Let Go and Let God ©

Let Go and Let God ... These are perhaps the most famous words ever spoken. It is the mantra of the men and women who work a program well known throughout the world for their diligence in assisting people to work through their addiction and releasing their old ways of living… Alcoholics Anonymous.

I have been honored and privileged to know some of those who continue to work the "program" and reap the benefits of the wisdom of letting go and letting God. And it wasn't until I met these people that I came to truly understand what it meant to Let Go and Let God.

The most important thing I learned from these brave men and women is that letting go does not come over night! It is a life time commitment to taking each day as it comes and treating it accordingly.

Meaning ...

Not looking back to yesterday--as it has come and gone. Not looking forward to tomorrow--as it is may not even come. But taking the day you are given--this day, the present--and making good choices to build a strong foundation for the ever present NOW.

While each new day brings us the challenge to slip back into the old ways of doing and also affords us the opportunity to stand strong and maintain the boundaries that we have established for ourselves.

It's not easy. No one said it would be.

We have to face the struggles day after day to overcome and move on…to simply Let Go and Let God!

How many times have we sat and wonder if the choices we made were the right thing to do? How often have we beaten ourselves up over the choices we made the day before and wonder why we even bother? But then we remember why. In remembering we then come to accept that we had to make that choice in order to move on to a better way of living.

With each new day that enters our lives, we are faced with choices ... choices that doesn't always bring us happiness, choices that oftentimes appear and feel harsh, cold and cruel. However, if we truly desire to improve our way of thinking and doing, bring about a better way for ourselves and those around us, deep down we know we must make these choices!

No, it isn't easy ... No one said it would be.

When We remember and come to accept the fact that without making those seemingly harsh choices… we could not continue to move forward nor could we continue to improve and redefine our quality of living.

And it is with this realization ... we come to know that we really must let go and just Let God.

In the times we are currently living in, we are being challenged on a daily basis to let go…both individually and globally. We are faced with choices to move on without those we love and care for.

While the reasons vary from person to person…the end result is still the same. We, as individuals, must let go and continue to move forward.

For those of us who have had to say good-bye to friends and family who cross over, the challenge to let go and move on can some times seem harsh and cruel. We think to ourselves… "how can I possibly just let go and move on without him or her?"

For those who had to break free of a relationship, be it with family members, loved ones, friends, etc. they find themselves wondering if they did the right thing by letting go. They find themselves feeling bad for breaking those ties for the sake of personal growth and forward movement.

Irregardless of why and how the bonds and ties were severed, letting go is essential to an individual's progress. It is vital to the growth of a person regardless of what and/or who it is they are letting go.

To get a clearer understanding -- consider the following:

When you were young, you made many friends in elementary school. As you progressed onto Junior High School, some of those friends moved away and you never saw them again. What did you do? Did you stop having friends because you couldn't possibly go on without those friends who left? Or did you establish new relationships? When you advanced to High School and those relationships that you made in Junior High School faded for one reason or another, did you just give up making friends with other people? No, you simply let go and moved on, didn't you?

Same holds true as you advance spiritually. While some relationships continue, many others will be relinquished in one form or another. It isn't easy. No one said it would be! But you do it because you know you must!

You learn and you work through letting go each and every single day. And while some days are indeed easier than others, you know deep within that you must continue to work on letting go. And in those moments when you can't do it for yourself…you hand it over to God.

No, it isn't as simple as it sounds. And yes, you are going to slide back now and again ... more often than you care to admit. But that is all a part of growing and learning.


Do not look back to yesterday…as it has come and gone.
Do not look to tomorrow…as it is may not even come.
Take each day you are given…as it is given…One day at a time
And when you have done all you know you can…
Let Go and Let God


Forgiveness: Part II --To Forgive Is Truly Divine!

The importance of forgiveness has been proven over the years to be one of the healthiest ways to live. It has been noted that those who practice forgiveness on a regular basis are happier and healthier overall. These individuals do not deny there is negativity in the world, they don't live in some fantasy world where bad things only happens to others. On the contrary, they see it, recognize it, acknowledge it and most importantly, accept it as a part of a learning experience.

In fact, those who practice forgiveness on a regular basis are more apt to exert themselves in assisting others, bringing forth uplifting message by both word and deed, to show by example the benefits of letting go of the pain.

After all, where has holding on to the pain gotten anyone?

For me personally, I have made my share of mistakes. I have left in my wake more pain and tears than I really care to acknowledge. Truth of the matter ... I have wronged many. I have done more than my fair share in perpetuating negativity. I have no excuses to offer. And I can't begin to say how sorry I am.

I will be honest ... some of the pain I inflicted I feel no remorse nor do I make any apologies. This is something I know in my heart I will work through in my own divine timing -- when I am ready.

Admitting to it is half the battle.

I don't spend time mourning those times I screwed up. And I certainly don't beat myself up over it. I realize that all was merely lessons to help me along the way.

I know that through these experiences I have learned a great deal. I know it has made me a better person overall. I have learned that letting go of the pain has made room for healing, and this in turn has created a stronger connection to my True Self.

I wish I could tell you that it gets easier. Some days are better than others...but it is still a challenge even now.

Accepting the challenge takes courage. Working the challenge takes great strength. No one said it would be easy. And it isn't. It is ... what it is.

Speaking from personal experience, the act of forgiveness lightens your proverbial load.

Whenever we truly let go of the burden of pain that we have carried for period of time, there is a physical sensation that occurs. You literally feel an enormous weight lifted from your body. You begin to feel lighter. Your emotions start to balance out, you begin to see the world in a whole new light. In some instances, you will actually begin to hear joyful sounds like birds singing or the sounds of laughter. Sounds--happy sounds-- you didn't notice before. Everything looks more alive now ... more vibrant!

Most importantly ... you feel this connection to everything and everyone.

All of this, and so much more, happens when you simply forgive.

You quickly discover that Forgiveness is truly Divine!

But don't take my word for it! Try it for yourself!

What do you have to lose?

Excerpt from The Say NO To Fear Challenge by Julia K. Cole



Thursday, March 4, 2010

Forgiveness: Part I --A Hard Habit To Break

"The act of forgiveness is not the condoning of any action that causes pain, it is the refusal to carry the pain inflicted by that action." ~Grandmother to The Oracle, Children of the Luminaries: Book III~The Day of Reckoning

Long ago, when I had asked about forgiveness, the answer I received was simplistic in nature. Though it is nothing new, the message bears repeating. 

When we forgive, we are not condoning the action that caused us pain. When we forgive -- we are in refusing to carry any and all pain inflicted by that action.

A Hard Habit To Break

As human experiencers, we develop a wide variety of habits. No greater habit have any of us than the habit of holding on to pain. It doesn't matter how long ago it was inflicted, it doesn't matter how far we have come in our conscious awareness ... our habit of holding on to our pain is ever present.   It is a habit that we hold near & dear to our collective hearts.

We hold on to our pain as though it were a matter of life or death. Why? While the reasons vary, the root of this issue is fear. Fear of not having purpose. Fear of facing our true feelings. Fear of taking responsibility. Fear of owning up to any mistakes we may have made or imagined we made. Fear of being unworthy, of being unloved, unwanted. 

But above all these ... Fear of our own individual power.

We scare ourselves on a regular basis with stories we have been told and continue to tell ourselves about Our Selves. We know instinctively we are powerful beings -- but yet we hold on to the pain in lieu of our power.

We fear being seen as arrogant if we choose to live in our power. So we hold on to the pain in order to blend in -- to be just like everybody else! And just like everybody else -- we begin to forget who and what we truly are.  Just like everybody else -- we suffer needlessly.

The pain we hold on to  allows us to feel. So we hold on to it--with all our being. 

As long as we are feeling pain ... we are feeling something. Right?

The pain allows us to remain in the state of forgetfulness -- all so we don't have to take responsibility for our lives. It's better to let someone else take responsibility for our misery. After all ... they are the reason we are in so much pain. Right?

We hold on to the pain so we can punish those who caused the suffering. If we suffer ... then they surely will suffer more by watching us live in so much misery. We will live in our misery as a shining reminder of what a horrible person they are or were. Right?


But the question is -- If you let go of your pain ... what is the worst that could happen? What do you believe would happen if you chose to forgive?

What benefits has all that pain brought you? What have you derived from holding on to past hurts?

As with any habit you have developed -- the habit of living in the state of unforgiveness can be broken. Whatever the mind can conceive and believe ... it will most assuredly achieve. This is a proven fact.

The choice is yours. It has always been yours to make. You need only make it!

Many insist they can't forgive their abusers.  Many believe that in forgiving -- in releasing the pain inflicted --  would give their abusers the freedom to do whatever they want -- whenever they want.

Trust me when I say,  irregardless of what you do or don't do, your abuser will continue on with their lives.  Holding on to the pain they inflicted upon you will not stop others from carrying on with their abuse. By the same token, letting go of the pain will not stop others from choosing to continue on with their deeds either.

So the question remains ... what do you have to lose?

In all seriousness ... what do you have to lose by letting of the pain? By refusing to carry it with you?
Holding on to the pain is truly a hard habit to break!  But it is one that can be broken!

Excerpts from Say NO To Fear Challenge! by Julia K. Cole

Next Article:  Forgiveness:  Part II ~ Truly Divine


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

In her personal empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

As a psychic medium, Julia brings healing and comfort by serving as a liaison between those here in the physical realm and those who have crossed over into the spiritual planes of existence.

Julia's weekly radio talk show Namaste Beloved!™ can be heard on Blog Talk Radio every Friday evening starting at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Judge NOT! This means YOU! --Fear Busters: Part 2

When we judge ourselves, we are judging someone. Believe it or not, we are someone. And we tend to forget that -- on a regular basis.

We don't like it when others judge us, yet we tend to judge ourselves often and with great fervor. Why? Well, that answer would take up more time than any of us really have. Sufficient to say, we do it! Our reasons, though varied, are based on one thing and one thing alone -- We don't love ourselves.

When you compare yourself to someone else -- you are judging yourself.

When you call yourself names, put yourself down for not "measuring up" -- you are judging yourself.

We've all heard it before. At least a million and one times! It is the proverbial wisdom of the ages. If you love yourself, then you won't judge yourself or others.

But here's the catch ... the wisdom of the ages is only useful if you actually apply it; more importantly, live it.

And before you even think about saying it ... I've heard it all before!

It's just too hard! I don't have time for this! Why do I have to be the one to do it? And my favorite ... I can't!

Yes, I've heard all the excuses. Truth be told, I invented half of them!

I wish I could say it was easy. It isn't! Then again, no one said it would be! But the bottom line is, what has taking the easy way gotten us?

Sure, we can play the "Blame Game"! Why not! It's easier to blame others for our feeling the way we do. Why accept the fact that we are in charge of our own feelings? Especially when it's easier to just hand our power over to someone else! "He/She made me (fill in the blanks)." Yea, so much easier than saying ... "I'm feeling angry or I'm feeling sad".

Deity of our Choice Forbid we ever admit we have the power to choose our feelings! Heaven and Hell forbid if we ever chose to admit we even had that power!

And why should we? Why should we own our power when it's so much easier to complain about how bad we have it? It's so much easier just sitting there on our collective asses and saying ... "I had a really bad childhood" or "I've had a rough life" or "I just have the worse kind of luck!" ... isn't it? Of course it is!

It's much easier to say ... "he/she made me do it!"

Yes, it is so much easier just to sit there and pity ourselves.

Taking responsibility for our feelings, for our life ... for our Self ... is the last thing we want to do.

It's easier to moan, groan, piss and bitch about it all. Let somebody else do it! After all, it's worked so well so far! Now hasn't it?

And then ... as we come to a point in our lives when we realize there isn't anyone to blame, we turn on ourselves. Instead of blaming others, we begin to blame ourselves. We start judging ourselves in ways no one else possibly could ever imagine! Breaking one cycle only to jump in to another.

If you were to record every criticism you hailed about yourself on your self, you would be shocked at how often, how cruel and with such authority you do it. It's frightening! We are so abusive towards ourselves, it's nothing short of criminal!

Not judging ourselves isn't something we stop doing over-night. We have a lot of fear to acknowledge, work through and accept.

Loving ourselves isn't easy because we haven't bothered doing it with any regularity.

So why not try something different? Why not spend the day not criticizing yourself? Just one day! Each time you catch yourself saying ... "I'm so stupid!" Why not say to yourself instead, "that's okay! Everybody makes mistakes! I can't learn, if I don't make a mistake once in a while!"

Try it! If only for one day! I mean ... what do you have to lose?


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Love IS Everywhere!

Love isn't some thing you can capture and keep captive. It isn't something you chase or pursue. It isn't something that you can beat into submission or force.

Love is not impossible to find because it's not lost!

Seriously, how can you find something that was never misplaced or hidden?

Love is a massive force of energy that cannot be measured. It is the creative energy that put into existence everything. And It is found everywhere. You can't look anywhere without seeing love at work. It is a tireless constant moving flow that is so powerful that it cannot be destroyed.

It is the energy that brought us into being; and it is the very energy that keeps us thriving.

Whether you accept it or not ... Love exists.

Love's existence isn't dependent on your individual beliefs.

That's the thing you see--Love thrives irregardless of what you think and/or believe. It continues on whether or not you acknowledge it. It carries on despite ... and in spite of ... what you say, think or have convinced yourself of.

Persistent little bugger ... ain't it?

Love doesn't stop just because you have decided it isn't there.

To understand this energy--to really see it at work, you have to adjust your attitude.

"When you change your attitude-- your perception will change!" Demetrius to The Oracle, Children of the Luminaries: Book I ~ The Coming Storm

Love is not about condoning any type of abuse. It is about accepting the challenge to rise above any given situation. It is all about refusing to hold on to the pain that was inflicted on you.

Refusing to carry it around with you.

The damage of any abuse is perpetuated when we refuse to let go of the pain. As human experiencers, we latch on to pain and hold on to it as though it were a matter of life & death. We cling to our pain for fear of having nothing. Many of us have convinced ourselves that if we let go of that pain, we will fall into some dark black pit and never return. Many fear that if they let go, they will have nothing to live for. No purpose.

No matter where you find yourself, no matter what situation you find yourself in, no matter who you are, Love is present.

There is much, much, much more to say about Love -- more than can be written here.

The bottom line is this--- if you are looking for Love you only need to change your attitude about Love. Upon doing so ... you will find it everywhere, in everything and in everybody.

If you find yourself in pain, try something different --let it go. If only for five minutes. Let it go. Replace it with Love. I mean what do you have to lose?

If you find yourself alone without that "someone special" -- try loving yourself. If only for five minutes--just try it! What have you got to lose at this point?

Changing your attitude does change your perception! But don't take my word for it. Try it for yourself! I mean c'mon! What do you have to lose? Seriously?


Monday, February 8, 2010


We all have them.  We go out of our way to create them for whatever reason.  I know my favorite distraction is Paint Shop Pro.  It's my brand of therapy when I find myself stuck on a problem or just need to get out of the daily rat trap and get away from it all as it were.

Distractions ... everyone has at least one.

Funny thing about distractions though,  it isn't too long before they develop into addictions.  And when that happens ---it isn't long before we find ourselves in deep shit!

Work, home, relationships (both professional and personal) suffer when we allow our distractions to take over our lives.

For instance ...

Cell phones are a source of convenience for most.  It is a handy tool to have around in the event you can't find a pay phone.  And seriously, these days --- who can?   The cell phone is especially great to have on hand if you find yourself broke down in B.F.E.  Parents use it to keep track of their children.  All in all, the cell phone is a magnificent tool to have on hand.

Yet thousands each day find themselves unable to live without them.  This simple convenience has not only become a distraction --- but a virtual addiction for thousands upon thousands world wide. 

Everywhere you look these days you will find someone  texting and/or talking on these devices.  It's gotten so bad that laws have had to be established in order to protect not just the cell phone users ---but  others from cell phone user addiction!

Another prime example ... The Internet.  

The internet is a useful tool, a place where people work, find useful information, helpful suggestions, friendship and camaraderie.   Throughout the internet one can find a wide range of distraction.  All sorts of on line games to be played ... and for free I might add!  Not to mention all the free "networking" sites, chat rooms, radio shows, etc.    Many of which are extremely useful.  

Yet, for many, the internet  is  another form of distraction.  And for many more-- it is a literal addiction.

Are you among those who spend more than 2 hours a day on the internet that is NON-work related

So the question remains ... where is the balance?  Furthermore, how can one find, and most importantly, keep balance in a world filled with distractions? 

That is a question only YOU can answer for yourself.

In all things ... whatever it may be ...  no matter what you find yourself doing ... Moderation is the key.   

Anything outside moderation is nothing more than an Addiction!

But why do we, as human experiencers, need distractions? 


Julia K. Cole
Psychic Medium
Empowerment Coaching
Radio Talk Show Host

Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality!
It's What I Do!  It's Who I Am!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fear Busters! Part 1: Thank You!


How does that make you feel when you say those two words? How do you feel when those words are expressed to you?

Makes you feel pretty darn good … doesn’t it? 

Thank You!  Two of the loveliest words in the human language.

A few years ago, my youngest children had asked me why I say thank you to the bus driver when I get off.  My reply?  "That person provided a much needed service, they did a great job, and I really appreciate them being there for me. Those drivers put up with a lot during their shift, and I believe they could use a dose of appreciation.  They need to know.  And I need to do it!"

It was a simple explanation, but one that came from the heart.  As a result, when my children step off the bus, they say Thank You!  They discovered how good it made them feel.  But they soon found out  that showing appreciation had its other rewards.  The drivers remembered their appreciation and in turn, will stop and wait for my kids or let them on whenever they don’t have the exact change. My children know the bus drivers don’t do that for everyone!   It was a lesson in cause & effect for my kids. 

The whole idea of saying thank you is to encourage and perpetuate a positive flow of energy.  While it may not always be reciprocated right away, saying “Thank You”  leaves an impression on others whether you know it or not!  

You never know who is watching.  And you never know who is benefiting from your act of gratitude.  And too, you just never know when that energy of gratitude is going to come back on you.  And trust me when I say … it always does!  In some way, in some form … that what you put out always returns to you! 

As human experiencers, we tend to focus only on the bad in life.  When we lend focus to that energy, we attract it, increase it and perpetuate it.  This is not to say we ignore the negative or pretend it doesn’t exist.  No.  But instead of focusing on it’s very existence, why not focus on what we are learning from it?  And once we discover that lesson, show a little gratitude for bringing it to our attention?

What do you think would happen if you stop and see the  lessons being brought to your life?  What do you think would happen if you show gratitude for these lessons?

When we live in gratitude we raise our vibrations  and strengthen our connection to our True Selves.  In turn, this energy flows out and connects to others increasing their own expanded awareness.    As this occurs, fear begins to dissipate.  It’s hold over us begins to loosen and fall away.

Saying Thank You is one small way of joining in and actively creating the change we wish to see in the world.

For one week, practice saying THANK YOU to all you come in contact with.  See for yourself the difference it makes for you and the world!

To Be Continued.


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.

In her personal empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life.

As a psychic medium, Julia brings healing and comfort by serving as a liaison between those here in the physical realm and those who have crossed over into the spiritual planes of existence.

Julia's weekly radio talk show Namaste Beloved!™ can be heard on Blog Talk Radio every Friday evening starting at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


 "Persistence my daughter, means never giving in.  Even when you are faced with great odds,  you must continue on.  Even when you feel you can go no further, you must find that last ounce of strength and push forward!  It is the only way daughter.  It is the only way you can ever hope to succeed!"  Grandmother to The Oracle, Children of the Luminaries~Book III: The Day of Reckoning

Persistence is one of the keys to success.    No matter what you are doing or setting out to do ... it is persistence that takes you down the road to success!  In fact --it is persistence that brings you right to success' door!

The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil!

This is the mantra of persistence!  While many hold persistence in the same light as annoyance ... the truth of the matter is ... without it we would literally be in the dark!

It was persistence that brought us our many luxuries and necessities.    It was persistence that gave women the right to vote and not be subjected to sexual harassment in the work place.   It was persistence that brought about religious freedoms in not only the United States, but in many other countries as well.  It was persistence that freed the slaves and brought about the civil rights movement.  And the list goes on and on to infinity!

Persistence Thy Name is  ...

The one thing we have learned about fear is Persistence is it's greatest tool.  So we have to be even more persistent to work with and through them. 

It takes little to no effort to just give up and give in.   It is very easy to find and/or create a distraction that will prevent us from persisting.  We will come up against people who will make every attempt to stop us from proceeding forward.    We have created many obstacles to over come in our pursuit of persistence.  

As Antari always says ... "You created it!  If you don't like it, then uncreate it!"

Being persistent --It isn't easy.  No one said it would be!    It's hard work!  

There are days when I just want to quit!  And some days -- that's exactly what I do!  I just Quit!  I don't do anything!   That's when I usually get a telephone call from one of my friends who remind me of the advice I have given them during their moments of giving up.  oy!  Nothing like having your words thrown back in your face to get you going again, eh?  

Having a circle of trusted friends is perhaps one of your greatest assets in working through any challenge.   Knowing you have someone to turn to keeps you going!  I should know, I have some of the most wonderful friends in my circle.  They are made up of some of the strongest, wisest and most gifted & talented men and women in this 3-Dimensional Realm!  And of course, I have my spirit companion Antari to keep me on the "straight & narrow"! 

A good strong support system is essential to your life.    Be they a spouse, girl/boy friend, best friend,  a spiritual adviser, life coach, therapy group, 12 step program, or a small circle of friends and family members ... having at least one other person in your life is important in staying on track and being persistent!

It isn't easy!  No one said it would be!  But the effort, time and energy you put forward will reap great rewards!  But don't take my word for it!  Try it for your Self!  

Five Minutes a day ... Each & Every Day Say NO To Your Fears!  

Be Persistent!


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding. In her person empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life. As a psychic medium, Julia brings healing and comfort by serving as a liaison between those here in the physical realm and those who have crossed over into the spiritual planes of existence.

Julia's weekly radio talk show Namaste Beloved!™ can be heard on Blog Talk Radio every Friday evening starting at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Personal Notes

In the beginning, I was vaguely aware of the impact working the Say NO to Fear challenge would have on not only me, but those around me.   Don't get me wrong.  I went in knowing that everything I was afraid of (even those fears I had long forgotten) would come up over and over again.   And I was fully aware that I would not only fall down, but would get knocked down at every turn.  In short,  I knew I had a fight on my hands.

It's not like I just started doing all this  self work five minutes ago.   Let's face facts here.  I've been around the block a few times in this respect.  Studying, researching, meditating, etc.  been doing it for years.   Not only that, I have been providing spiritual counseling and psychic readings for what seems like forever. But even so, I was completely shocked by the results of working this challenge.  And yes, I still have a long, long, long, LONG way to go!

2009 --  Change Cometh

In the beginning, I didn't notice any real changes  at first.  In fact, with everything that was going on in my life I was literally on the verge of just giving up.   I kept thinking ... "who in the hell am I fooling? This shit doesn't work!"    However, something inside of me whispered-- Keep going.  Persistence is the key!  that little voice kept saying.  And so I did.  I just kept going!

It wore me out dealing with every fear I had or ever had.  All of it just kept coming to the surface, pummeling me with their words and feelings.   Each syllable just as hateful, hurtful and downright nasty in my mind as they were when first inititated.   Voices from the past kept repeating their rhetoric in my head leaving me in in constant doubt.  Ah! Doubt my ever present, dutiful and faithful companion during this initial process.  oy!

As if that weren't enough ... my entire home life was falling apart.   It was a frickin' nightmare!  There were times when I half expected Freddy Krueger to show up!  I kid you not!  It was that bad!

October 2009 was the turning point for me.    It was a month of intense challenges, as my family began  falling apart at a rapid pace.  My oldest son found himself in the midst of a nasty custody battle of his infant daughter (born on October 1).  His then girlfriend decided she didn't want the baby nor did she want him to have it, so she handed the baby over to the state.  It's been a living hell for all of us.  As his mother, I have had to stand back and out of the way. I never felt so helpless in all my life.

On October 12th, I fell in the bathroom sustaining three broken ribs, a fractured hip and bruised kidney.  Two days later I get a telephone call from an acquaintance who provided an unsolicited assessment as to why my family was having these problems and why I fell.  Her reasons?  Everything that happened was all due to my being arrogant, obnoxious and a know it all.  *sigh*  Of course it was! 

These were only some of the things that transpired during this time.  Let's just say ... October 2009 is a time I will not soon forget!

Now why did I bring this all up?  Three reasons.

One, it was during this time I put into practice of minding my own business.  As a parent, we tend to believe/think that we know more than our children.  That we can fix their problems.  It's an occupational hazard!

My oldest son knows I am here for him, that I will do all I know and all that is within my power to help in any way.  But I know, as does he, that the best thing I can do for him is to get out of his way and allow him to work through the process in his own way.

It wasn't easy.  It still isn't.  But I am practicing of allowing.  oy!

The second reason, we all came in with a chart--an outline--of what we would experience during our journey as humans.     This includes all of us!  As a parent, we tend to forget that our children have these charts as well.  They, like us, came in with the intent of learning through experiences.

Appreciating the lessons of another isn't always easy.  Especially, and in particularly, when it comes to one's own children.    Honoring the paths of others is what I came to remember, to know and to practice.  Not easy!  No one said it would be! 

The third reason, I learned to slow down, to pay attention, to listen.  (That fall really slowed me down ... let me tell ya!  oy!) I was reminded  to look beyond my feelings and see the message and the opportunities it brings for continued expanded awareness. 

Again, I already knew alot of this stuff.  But it wasn't until October when I really began to understand on a soul level.

But it didn't stop there.  Oh no!  Little did I know at that particular time, my expanded awareness was on the verge of getting a profound tweaking!

On Friday, November 6th my beloved fur baby Zaffis da'Cat was brutally and viciously killed.   (Zaffis da'Cat was named in honor of my cherished friend John Zaffis).  Zaffis was born on November 8, 2005.  I was present when that beautiful soul came into this world.  I was there when he took his last breath.

To make a rather long and painful story short, the person involved in the killing of not only my fur baby, but countless others, has been brought to justice.    Unfortunately Rodger, the dog this individual used to do all the killing, a beautiful pit bull, was put down on November 9, 2010.

Was I angry?  You bet I was!  I don't ever remember feeling so much hatred for one person.    Did I want revenge?  You bet I did!  I wanted this person to feel everything that Zaffis did as he fought for his life.  I wanted this boy, this thug wanna be, to feel every thing ... all the pain, all the fear, all the horror that not only Zaffis had felt ... but all those precious animals he slaughtered.  I wanted him to feel the anguish I and my family experienced, the anguish of all those people whose pets he had killed.  I wanted him to feel the pain & fear of Rodger the pit bull as well.   I wanted this person to feel it all ... and then some!  I wanted him to feel it all as people stood around and laughed.  Just as he had laughed when my baby was fighting for his life.  That is what I wanted!  That is all I wanted ... more than anything.  For him to feel.  To know first hand the pain we all experienced.  I just wanted him to feel it!  To know it!

I just wanted this person to FEEL.  To feel ... to reconnect to his humanity ... and come into an understanding.  But what I got instead was my own  sense of understanding on a soul level.  It wasn't easy.  No one said it would be.   I fought this feeling as it began washing over me in waves.    As it did, an unimaginable calm filled me.

In the calmness, I began to understand.  What was perceived as a needless, reckless and utterly useless act was in fact a lesson in forgiveness.  If the sacrifices of Zaffis, Rodger and all those other animals were to mean anything ... anything at all ...  I had to make a choice. 

Would I succumb to the perpetuation of fear, hatred and needless acts of violence just for a few moments of personal gratification?  Or would I practice the art of forgiveness and seek justice in a more peaceful manner?

I think you already know the answer to those questions.

The choice I made sent out a message to the rest of the neighborhood.  And that message was ... if we are to see any positive changes in the world ... we must first BE that change!  And so it was ... and so it is!

And no my friends ... it wasn't easy.  Even now as I sit here typing this out, I am crying.  I'm still working on letting go of that pain.  And I know ... in time ... I will.  Their sacrifice will not be in vain.    I will continue to rise above my own fears.  You bet I will!

The death of Zaffis da'Cat and Rodger the Pit Bull brought me into an even greater expansion of awareness.  I was able to see where I needed to make some rather important adjustments.  There were apologies to be made ... and I have made them.   My resolve to continue  my reconnection of my True Self, to continue shedding the old ways, to face my own fears and just say NO has been strengthen beyond measure.

The gratitude I feel for these two courageous souls cannot be expressed by mere words.

I know where they are ... there is no more fear of being hurt.  I have seen them both, running side by side playing, jumping in huge piles of leaves, enjoying their peace.  They are joined by all the other animals who have returned Home.  It is most assuredly a Blessed Reunion of Souls.  A beautiful sight to behold.   In that moment as they become aware of my presence, Zaffis gives out an aaaack (he couldn't meow) to let me know he sees me.  He sticks out his tongue and then scurries off to chase a butterfly.

A sense of Peace fills me.  I know he and all the others are safe now. 

Concluding Comments

I can only  imagine the changes that occur in 2010 will be even more significant.  But I can say with confidence ... I'm off to a good start!

Be sure to tune in to my my show, Namaste Beloved!™  (air date January 15, 2010, 9-11 p.m. Eastern) as I go into further detail of my personal story in working the Say NO To Fear challenge.

Take the Challenge!  Say NO! To Your Fears!  
I mean ... what do you have to lose?


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.


Monday, January 11, 2010

Being The Change In 2010

Well, another year has come and gone.  And what a year it has been, eh?   Is it me or does it seem that time is just speeding by like a bullet?  Appears that way, doesn't it?

As with every year, we said good-bye to those we knew and loved in some way, on some level,  while welcoming in new friends and family members, reuniting with lost loves, reconnecting with those we had lost touch with and so on.

For me 2009 was a year of intense awakening.  While I have been on this path of awakening for what seems like eons, it was 2009 that brought about the spiritual caffeine that really jolted me into a more awakened state.   However, I wish to state that my personal expansion in conscious awareness during 2009 was different some how.  It was definitely unlike anything I had experienced in the past.

To make a rather long story short, I made some rather intense changes within myself.   I faced my worst night mares ... My SELF!  And thankfully,  have lived to tell the tale!   

Though I had always known that our thoughts become manifested ... I had not really taken into consideration the depths in which these thoughts could materialized!  And have been for eons!  oy vey!  What a predicament.  As we all know, and in truth, nothing is outside ourselves ... it all comes from within us.  This was something I always knew intellectually.  But to actually experience it?  Yea, pretty darn eye-opening ... to say the least!

Delving deep within isn't something to be taken lightly.  I won't lie to you ... It's not easy--no one said it would be.  But I can tell you from personal experience, it has been worth the effort.   To actually face your fears, to acknowledge all the mistakes you have made (ever made), to take responsibility for all the nonsense that has been mirrored back to you, then  to forgive yourself ... to love yourself ... is very intense. 

It takes a great deal of courage and strength to really look deep within yourself.  It takes even greater courage and strength to  literally acknowledge all that you are, have been and continue to be, then taking it a few steps further by taking responsibility, by accepting and Loving all that makes up your Self.  It's scary as hell!  But I did it!   And yes, I will continue to do it.  I am, after all, a work in progress--a labor of Love!

To Love One's Self is the greatest Love of All.  Why?  Again, nothing truly happens outside ourselves without first taking place within ourselves.   If we do not truly love ourselves unconditionally...then how can we ever hope for anyone else to love us in this manner?

So what do I take into 2010? Just one thing ...   Acceptance.   Accepting responsibility for every thought I think, accepting the responsibility for what these thoughts manifest, accepting the forgiveness for those thoughts and the actions it brings about, acknowledging the divine in others who come into my life, accepting gratitude by showing gratitude, and most importantly ... accepting the Love that I am.

So how did all this acceptance come about?  It all started when I was reintroduce to this healing method the beginning of 2009.   But it wasn't until it came up again and again over the last few months  that I actually gave it a go.  And trust me when I say, I resisted it with every fiber of my being.  However, I came to the conclusion that it was something I needed.  I mean, why else would it keep popping up?  Yea,  that Self of mine is a sneaky little hussy ... ain't she?


Ho'oponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness.   Loosely translated, Ho‘oponopono means to set things right.  The basic concept behind Ho‘oponopono  is that you  realize the immutable fact that your entire existence comes from within, not from outside of yourself.

I know from my own personal experience that once you truly grasp and get your head around the fact that you are creating, and we are talking literally creating,  every single aspect of your existence – from the smallest molecule up through the tallest building, from the most heart-felt Love to the most passionate hatred – then you realize that you can effect change over all of it! Why?  Because you know you  are responsible for them being there in the first place!

How is all of this done via Ho‘oponopono? By simply accepting responsibility and showing gratitude.   Being the skeptic I am, I really didn't think it would work all that well.  But I figured I had nothing to lose at this point.  So I tried it.  I'm daring that way! I made a list of all the people who stood out.  I then listed all the qualities that annoyed me the most.  Wanna talk long list?  I then began seeing a pattern.  All those qualities on that list that bothered me  were the same attributes I possessed.  I only have three words to say at this point ... pot, kettle--black!

Armed with the necessary tools, I went about to first take responsibility for those attributes that had been mirrored back to me.  I was responsible ... no getting around it.  Next, I set out to ask forgiveness.  Finally, I expressed my gratitude and my Love for each person involved.  

My results?  Inner Peace & Contentment.  I really won't know how it affected everyone on my list until I get some kind of physical validation.    And even if I don't ever get that validation, I still feel good about what I have done.  I mean, it was all about ME anyways ... now wasn't it?

I hope you will join me in 2010 as I set out to consciously work Ho'oponopono each and every day.  It's all part of the on-going challenge I initiated on January 1, 2008.  It's one of the best methods I have worked thus far.  And besides,  what better way to work the Say NO To Fear challenge than to face yourself and work from within, eh? 

Be the Change You Wish To See In The World ~ Ghandi

And so it is!

I take responsibility for what is reflected back to me.  I'm sorry, please forgive me, I love you!  I Love You!  I Love You!

I am sorry that I didn't accept the lesson when it was presented to me through you.  Please forgive me for not appreciating you in that moment. I'm sorry!  I Love You! I Love You! I Love You!

I am sorry for not showing you the respect you deserved and continue to  deserve.  I'm sorry, please forgive me.  I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!    

I acknowledge and I  appreciate your bravery, your wisdom and most of all  ... the Love you have and always had for me by reflecting back to me in order for Me to Learn and Grow!  I'm sorry for not accepting all of these gifts when you presented them to me.  I'm Sorry!  Please Forgive Me!  I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!

I take responsibility for all the anger and hatred shown to me.  I now see how it projected out to you ... to the world we live in.   I'm sorry, please forgive me. I Love You!  I Love You!  I Love You!




Louise L. Hay

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The Tree of Love

I wanted to start off the new year with this blog.

The following is a message I received during one of my daily meditations.   It is in answer to one of the questions I posed ... where does fear come from?

As a psychic medium, I am accustomed  to being visited by spirits of all walks of life--past, present, and yes, future.  I am always pleasantly surprised when I am visited by the spirits of people I've only heard about.   Like the numerous others who have visited me over the years, I only knew of him.  I never really bothered to read up on him or learn of his work in any manner.  In fact,  I had first heard of him in 2006 when I first met Vaishali.

In human life, he had been an 18th Century Swedish Scientist, Philosopher and Spiritual Explorer, who at the age of 56,  had a spiritual awakening and wrote numerous books on his theological views and related topics.  His name of course is Emanuel Swedenborg.

I had felt his presence in times past, usually when I was talking with Vaishali, but never really paid that much attention.  In truth, I ignored him.  I wasn't ready to hear anything he had to say, so I just chose to pretend I couldn't see or hear him.

The week before I was presented the answer to my question,  I felt Emanuel's energies filter through my room.  I could tell from the way these energies were intensifying, I would not be in any position to  ignore him as I had in times past.   Any well seasoned medium will tell you, whenever a spirit insist on being acknowledged they have something extremely important to convey.  And seeing I needed clarity  I thought what the hell ... I'll give it a go!

So I asked him ... Where does fear come from?

He explained to me in detail that everything comes from one energy ... an energy we human experiencers call Love.  "In our true forms," he told me,  "we have another name for it,  but it doesn't translate over into human language, so while we are in physical form the word Love is used in it's place."  The actual word for this energy is so complex that he had to write it out for me.  Upon seeing it in writing I came  to understand why we use that four letter word.  Trust me when I say, it's a humdinger!

Emanuel explained that Love is the only energy capable of creating in such massive proportions.  He pointed out how this energy expresses itself in infinite ways.  I found this utterly ridiculous ... at first.   So to prove his point,  Emanuel showed me a tree that seem to go on forever.     He pointed at the base of the tree which was incredible!  It was bigger than a city.  Literally! 

He told me ... "this tree you see here represents Love."    He further went on to say:   "Each of the  branches you see on this tree contributes to the splendid collaboration of what you  see.  Without the branches, the tree would not  be complete. "

"Keep in mind that each branch is an expression of the tree, but not the tree itself.   All the branches make up the wondrous creation you see here.  Note that even the branches have smaller extensions of itself.  See how each stretch out and express upon itself.  Beautiful is it not?  As you can see, all aspects of the tree work in harmony to provide comfort and beauty to all those who come in contact with it.  As it is with the tree, so it is with you."

"Like this tree, you too have infinite expressions.  Your base ... your trunk if you will ... is always Love.    There is no separation from this.  If that were true, then you would have no branches.  Whatever it is you are expressing, be it anger, hatred, jealously or any type of fear, you are coming from that one particular aspect of the one energy ... Love.  Love, is the energy of creation, there is no separation ... only expression."

How can this be?

"Love expresses itself in this vast manner for the soul to experience the variations of Creator energy.  It is why you took on physical form, it is why you chose the challenges you have in this life and all the others before this.  Without physical experience of those expressions, you would not come into full understanding of what Love is.  What it truly is."

So when I am experiencing fear, I am sitting on one particular branch to see what it's like?

"Yes! Yes!  That is precisely what you are doing!"

Emanuel  pointed to the lower branches that were close to the base of the tree.  "These branches represent the many aspects of fear.   See how each twig has sprouted from these branches?  These are the representation of each fear you experience.  Note how each twig slightly differs."

So when we climb up, we get a clearer view of what is transpiring?

"Absolutely! And let us not forget our roots!  The roots expand out and connect to all the other trees creating a unique and beauteous connection.  It is a connection that reaches out to all creation.  This connection creates a network."

What effects one effects all.


Looking up I couldn't see the top, but I began to be filled with an understanding.   It was an understanding that had always been there, but now was being absorbed throughout my entire being.

The tree grows up and forever, connecting us to Creators.  Our roots connects us here in the 3-Dimensional physical plane ... to all creation here.  I was more or less mumbling to myself at this point.  I saw from the corner of my eye that Emanuel was smiling.  It was then I realized I was standing in the midst of a forest so grand that even now it defies description.

"Now that you understand, share with others what you have learned."

And with that, Emanuel was gone.


When we look at a tree, we don't always notice the varying degrees of those branches.  How they sometimes twist and turn a certain way.  How they some times take on a life of their own at times.

Sometimes we just look at the tree as a whole, not taking in consideration the beautiful detailed and various independent expressions that make up that tree.   We just take for granted it is a tree with one particular purpose.

Same goes for Love itself.   Interesting isn't it?  How we are so focused on Love being one certain way we fail to notice the other aspects this energy entails.

I am left to wonder as I ponder my next question.  If we truly believe that all of creation is made up of this energy we call Love ... then why do we dismiss so much and claim so little?

Ahhh!  Now the plot really thickens!
