Monday, February 8, 2010


We all have them.  We go out of our way to create them for whatever reason.  I know my favorite distraction is Paint Shop Pro.  It's my brand of therapy when I find myself stuck on a problem or just need to get out of the daily rat trap and get away from it all as it were.

Distractions ... everyone has at least one.

Funny thing about distractions though,  it isn't too long before they develop into addictions.  And when that happens ---it isn't long before we find ourselves in deep shit!

Work, home, relationships (both professional and personal) suffer when we allow our distractions to take over our lives.

For instance ...

Cell phones are a source of convenience for most.  It is a handy tool to have around in the event you can't find a pay phone.  And seriously, these days --- who can?   The cell phone is especially great to have on hand if you find yourself broke down in B.F.E.  Parents use it to keep track of their children.  All in all, the cell phone is a magnificent tool to have on hand.

Yet thousands each day find themselves unable to live without them.  This simple convenience has not only become a distraction --- but a virtual addiction for thousands upon thousands world wide. 

Everywhere you look these days you will find someone  texting and/or talking on these devices.  It's gotten so bad that laws have had to be established in order to protect not just the cell phone users ---but  others from cell phone user addiction!

Another prime example ... The Internet.  

The internet is a useful tool, a place where people work, find useful information, helpful suggestions, friendship and camaraderie.   Throughout the internet one can find a wide range of distraction.  All sorts of on line games to be played ... and for free I might add!  Not to mention all the free "networking" sites, chat rooms, radio shows, etc.    Many of which are extremely useful.  

Yet, for many, the internet  is  another form of distraction.  And for many more-- it is a literal addiction.

Are you among those who spend more than 2 hours a day on the internet that is NON-work related

So the question remains ... where is the balance?  Furthermore, how can one find, and most importantly, keep balance in a world filled with distractions? 

That is a question only YOU can answer for yourself.

In all things ... whatever it may be ...  no matter what you find yourself doing ... Moderation is the key.   

Anything outside moderation is nothing more than an Addiction!

But why do we, as human experiencers, need distractions? 


Julia K. Cole
Psychic Medium
Empowerment Coaching
Radio Talk Show Host

Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality!
It's What I Do!  It's Who I Am!