Saturday, March 6, 2010

Forgiveness: Part II --To Forgive Is Truly Divine!

The importance of forgiveness has been proven over the years to be one of the healthiest ways to live. It has been noted that those who practice forgiveness on a regular basis are happier and healthier overall. These individuals do not deny there is negativity in the world, they don't live in some fantasy world where bad things only happens to others. On the contrary, they see it, recognize it, acknowledge it and most importantly, accept it as a part of a learning experience.

In fact, those who practice forgiveness on a regular basis are more apt to exert themselves in assisting others, bringing forth uplifting message by both word and deed, to show by example the benefits of letting go of the pain.

After all, where has holding on to the pain gotten anyone?

For me personally, I have made my share of mistakes. I have left in my wake more pain and tears than I really care to acknowledge. Truth of the matter ... I have wronged many. I have done more than my fair share in perpetuating negativity. I have no excuses to offer. And I can't begin to say how sorry I am.

I will be honest ... some of the pain I inflicted I feel no remorse nor do I make any apologies. This is something I know in my heart I will work through in my own divine timing -- when I am ready.

Admitting to it is half the battle.

I don't spend time mourning those times I screwed up. And I certainly don't beat myself up over it. I realize that all was merely lessons to help me along the way.

I know that through these experiences I have learned a great deal. I know it has made me a better person overall. I have learned that letting go of the pain has made room for healing, and this in turn has created a stronger connection to my True Self.

I wish I could tell you that it gets easier. Some days are better than others...but it is still a challenge even now.

Accepting the challenge takes courage. Working the challenge takes great strength. No one said it would be easy. And it isn't. It is ... what it is.

Speaking from personal experience, the act of forgiveness lightens your proverbial load.

Whenever we truly let go of the burden of pain that we have carried for period of time, there is a physical sensation that occurs. You literally feel an enormous weight lifted from your body. You begin to feel lighter. Your emotions start to balance out, you begin to see the world in a whole new light. In some instances, you will actually begin to hear joyful sounds like birds singing or the sounds of laughter. Sounds--happy sounds-- you didn't notice before. Everything looks more alive now ... more vibrant!

Most importantly ... you feel this connection to everything and everyone.

All of this, and so much more, happens when you simply forgive.

You quickly discover that Forgiveness is truly Divine!

But don't take my word for it! Try it for yourself!

What do you have to lose?

Excerpt from The Say NO To Fear Challenge by Julia K. Cole
