Wednesday, January 27, 2010


 "Persistence my daughter, means never giving in.  Even when you are faced with great odds,  you must continue on.  Even when you feel you can go no further, you must find that last ounce of strength and push forward!  It is the only way daughter.  It is the only way you can ever hope to succeed!"  Grandmother to The Oracle, Children of the Luminaries~Book III: The Day of Reckoning

Persistence is one of the keys to success.    No matter what you are doing or setting out to do ... it is persistence that takes you down the road to success!  In fact --it is persistence that brings you right to success' door!

The Squeaky Wheel Gets The Oil!

This is the mantra of persistence!  While many hold persistence in the same light as annoyance ... the truth of the matter is ... without it we would literally be in the dark!

It was persistence that brought us our many luxuries and necessities.    It was persistence that gave women the right to vote and not be subjected to sexual harassment in the work place.   It was persistence that brought about religious freedoms in not only the United States, but in many other countries as well.  It was persistence that freed the slaves and brought about the civil rights movement.  And the list goes on and on to infinity!

Persistence Thy Name is  ...

The one thing we have learned about fear is Persistence is it's greatest tool.  So we have to be even more persistent to work with and through them. 

It takes little to no effort to just give up and give in.   It is very easy to find and/or create a distraction that will prevent us from persisting.  We will come up against people who will make every attempt to stop us from proceeding forward.    We have created many obstacles to over come in our pursuit of persistence.  

As Antari always says ... "You created it!  If you don't like it, then uncreate it!"

Being persistent --It isn't easy.  No one said it would be!    It's hard work!  

There are days when I just want to quit!  And some days -- that's exactly what I do!  I just Quit!  I don't do anything!   That's when I usually get a telephone call from one of my friends who remind me of the advice I have given them during their moments of giving up.  oy!  Nothing like having your words thrown back in your face to get you going again, eh?  

Having a circle of trusted friends is perhaps one of your greatest assets in working through any challenge.   Knowing you have someone to turn to keeps you going!  I should know, I have some of the most wonderful friends in my circle.  They are made up of some of the strongest, wisest and most gifted & talented men and women in this 3-Dimensional Realm!  And of course, I have my spirit companion Antari to keep me on the "straight & narrow"! 

A good strong support system is essential to your life.    Be they a spouse, girl/boy friend, best friend,  a spiritual adviser, life coach, therapy group, 12 step program, or a small circle of friends and family members ... having at least one other person in your life is important in staying on track and being persistent!

It isn't easy!  No one said it would be!  But the effort, time and energy you put forward will reap great rewards!  But don't take my word for it!  Try it for your Self!  

Five Minutes a day ... Each & Every Day Say NO To Your Fears!  

Be Persistent!


About Julia K. Cole

What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!

Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding. In her person empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life. As a psychic medium, Julia brings healing and comfort by serving as a liaison between those here in the physical realm and those who have crossed over into the spiritual planes of existence.

Julia's weekly radio talk show Namaste Beloved!™ can be heard on Blog Talk Radio every Friday evening starting at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.