I wanted to start off the new year with this blog.
The following is a message I received during one of my daily meditations. It is in answer to one of the questions I posed ... where does fear come from?
As a psychic medium, I am accustomed to being visited by spirits of all walks of life--past, present, and yes, future. I am always pleasantly surprised when I am visited by the spirits of people I've only heard about. Like the numerous others who have visited me over the years, I only knew of him. I never really bothered to read up on him or learn of his work in any manner. In fact, I had first heard of him in 2006 when I first met Vaishali.
In human life, he had been an 18th Century Swedish Scientist, Philosopher and Spiritual Explorer, who at the age of 56, had a spiritual awakening and wrote numerous books on his theological views and related topics. His name of course is Emanuel Swedenborg.
I had felt his presence in times past, usually when I was talking with Vaishali, but never really paid that much attention. In truth, I ignored him. I wasn't ready to hear anything he had to say, so I just chose to pretend I couldn't see or hear him.
The week before I was presented the answer to my question, I felt Emanuel's energies filter through my room. I could tell from the way these energies were intensifying, I would not be in any position to ignore him as I had in times past. Any well seasoned medium will tell you, whenever a spirit insist on being acknowledged they have something extremely important to convey. And seeing I needed clarity I thought what the hell ... I'll give it a go!
So I asked him ... Where does fear come from?
He explained to me in detail that everything comes from one energy ... an energy we human experiencers call Love. "In our true forms," he told me, "we have another name for it, but it doesn't translate over into human language, so while we are in physical form the word Love is used in it's place." The actual word for this energy is so complex that he had to write it out for me. Upon seeing it in writing I came to understand why we use that four letter word. Trust me when I say, it's a humdinger!
"Keep in mind that each branch is an expression of the tree, but not the tree itself. All the branches make up the wondrous creation you see here. Note that even the branches have smaller extensions of itself. See how each stretch out and express upon itself. Beautiful is it not? As you can see, all aspects of the tree work in harmony to provide comfort and beauty to all those who come in contact with it. As it is with the tree, so it is with you."
"Like this tree, you too have infinite expressions. Your base ... your trunk if you will ... is always Love. There is no separation from this. If that were true, then you would have no branches. Whatever it is you are expressing, be it anger, hatred, jealously or any type of fear, you are coming from that one particular aspect of the one energy ... Love. Love, is the energy of creation, there is no separation ... only expression."
How can this be?
"Love expresses itself in this vast manner for the soul to experience the variations of Creator energy. It is why you took on physical form, it is why you chose the challenges you have in this life and all the others before this. Without physical experience of those expressions, you would not come into full understanding of what Love is. What it truly is."
So when I am experiencing fear, I am sitting on one particular branch to see what it's like?
"Yes! Yes! That is precisely what you are doing!"
Emanuel pointed to the lower branches that were close to the base of the tree. "These branches represent the many aspects of fear. See how each twig has sprouted from these branches? These are the representation of each fear you experience. Note how each twig slightly differs."
So when we climb up, we get a clearer view of what is transpiring?
"Absolutely! And let us not forget our roots! The roots expand out and connect to all the other trees creating a unique and beauteous connection. It is a connection that reaches out to all creation. This connection creates a network."
What effects one effects all.
Looking up I couldn't see the top, but I began to be filled with an understanding. It was an understanding that had always been there, but now was being absorbed throughout my entire being.
The tree grows up and forever, connecting us to Creators. Our roots connects us here in the 3-Dimensional physical plane ... to all creation here. I was more or less mumbling to myself at this point. I saw from the corner of my eye that Emanuel was smiling. It was then I realized I was standing in the midst of a forest so grand that even now it defies description.
"Now that you understand, share with others what you have learned."
And with that, Emanuel was gone.
So I asked him ... Where does fear come from?
He explained to me in detail that everything comes from one energy ... an energy we human experiencers call Love. "In our true forms," he told me, "we have another name for it, but it doesn't translate over into human language, so while we are in physical form the word Love is used in it's place." The actual word for this energy is so complex that he had to write it out for me. Upon seeing it in writing I came to understand why we use that four letter word. Trust me when I say, it's a humdinger!
Emanuel explained that Love is the only energy capable of creating in such massive proportions. He pointed out how this energy expresses itself in infinite ways. I found this utterly ridiculous ... at first. So to prove his point, Emanuel showed me a tree that seem to go on forever. He pointed at the base of the tree which was incredible! It was bigger than a city. Literally!
He told me ... "this tree you see here represents Love." He further went on to say: "Each of the branches you see on this tree contributes to the splendid collaboration of what you see. Without the branches, the tree would not be complete. "
He told me ... "this tree you see here represents Love." He further went on to say: "Each of the branches you see on this tree contributes to the splendid collaboration of what you see. Without the branches, the tree would not be complete. "
"Keep in mind that each branch is an expression of the tree, but not the tree itself. All the branches make up the wondrous creation you see here. Note that even the branches have smaller extensions of itself. See how each stretch out and express upon itself. Beautiful is it not? As you can see, all aspects of the tree work in harmony to provide comfort and beauty to all those who come in contact with it. As it is with the tree, so it is with you."
"Like this tree, you too have infinite expressions. Your base ... your trunk if you will ... is always Love. There is no separation from this. If that were true, then you would have no branches. Whatever it is you are expressing, be it anger, hatred, jealously or any type of fear, you are coming from that one particular aspect of the one energy ... Love. Love, is the energy of creation, there is no separation ... only expression."
How can this be?
"Love expresses itself in this vast manner for the soul to experience the variations of Creator energy. It is why you took on physical form, it is why you chose the challenges you have in this life and all the others before this. Without physical experience of those expressions, you would not come into full understanding of what Love is. What it truly is."
So when I am experiencing fear, I am sitting on one particular branch to see what it's like?
"Yes! Yes! That is precisely what you are doing!"
Emanuel pointed to the lower branches that were close to the base of the tree. "These branches represent the many aspects of fear. See how each twig has sprouted from these branches? These are the representation of each fear you experience. Note how each twig slightly differs."
So when we climb up, we get a clearer view of what is transpiring?
"Absolutely! And let us not forget our roots! The roots expand out and connect to all the other trees creating a unique and beauteous connection. It is a connection that reaches out to all creation. This connection creates a network."
What effects one effects all.
Looking up I couldn't see the top, but I began to be filled with an understanding. It was an understanding that had always been there, but now was being absorbed throughout my entire being.
The tree grows up and forever, connecting us to Creators. Our roots connects us here in the 3-Dimensional physical plane ... to all creation here. I was more or less mumbling to myself at this point. I saw from the corner of my eye that Emanuel was smiling. It was then I realized I was standing in the midst of a forest so grand that even now it defies description.
"Now that you understand, share with others what you have learned."
And with that, Emanuel was gone.
When we look at a tree, we don't always notice the varying degrees of those branches. How they sometimes twist and turn a certain way. How they some times take on a life of their own at times.
Sometimes we just look at the tree as a whole, not taking in consideration the beautiful detailed and various independent expressions that make up that tree. We just take for granted it is a tree with one particular purpose.
Same goes for Love itself. Interesting isn't it? How we are so focused on Love being one certain way we fail to notice the other aspects this energy entails.
I am left to wonder as I ponder my next question. If we truly believe that all of creation is made up of this energy we call Love ... then why do we dismiss so much and claim so little?
Ahhh! Now the plot really thickens!
Thanks! You confirm everything I have learned from Swedenborg's books! peace, Clark
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