Makes you feel pretty darn good … doesn’t it?
Thank You! Two of the loveliest words in the human language.
A few years ago, my youngest children had asked me why I say thank you to the bus driver when I get off. My reply? "That person provided a much needed service, they did a great job, and I really appreciate them being there for me. Those drivers put up with a lot during their shift, and I believe they could use a dose of appreciation. They need to know. And I need to do it!"
It was a simple explanation, but one that came from the heart. As a result, when my children step off the bus, they say Thank You! They discovered how good it made them feel. But they soon found out that showing appreciation had its other rewards. The drivers remembered their appreciation and in turn, will stop and wait for my kids or let them on whenever they don’t have the exact change. My children know the bus drivers don’t do that for everyone! It was a lesson in cause & effect for my kids.
The whole idea of saying thank you is to encourage and perpetuate a positive flow of energy. While it may not always be reciprocated right away, saying “Thank You” leaves an impression on others whether you know it or not!
You never know who is watching. And you never know who is benefiting from your act of gratitude. And too, you just never know when that energy of gratitude is going to come back on you. And trust me when I say … it always does! In some way, in some form … that what you put out always returns to you!
As human experiencers, we tend to focus only on the bad in life. When we lend focus to that energy, we attract it, increase it and perpetuate it. This is not to say we ignore the negative or pretend it doesn’t exist. No. But instead of focusing on it’s very existence, why not focus on what we are learning from it? And once we discover that lesson, show a little gratitude for bringing it to our attention?
What do you think would happen if you stop and see the lessons being brought to your life? What do you think would happen if you show gratitude for these lessons?
When we live in gratitude we raise our vibrations and strengthen our connection to our True Selves. In turn, this energy flows out and connects to others increasing their own expanded awareness. As this occurs, fear begins to dissipate. It’s hold over us begins to loosen and fall away.
Saying Thank You is one small way of joining in and actively creating the change we wish to see in the world.
For one week, practice saying THANK YOU to all you come in contact with. See for yourself the difference it makes for you and the world!
To Be Continued.

About Julia K. Cole
What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a personal calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!
Known as The Empress of the Known & Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding.
In her personal empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life.
As a psychic medium, Julia brings healing and comfort by serving as a liaison between those here in the physical realm and those who have crossed over into the spiritual planes of existence.
Julia's weekly radio talk show Namaste Beloved!™ can be heard on Blog Talk Radio every Friday evening starting at 9 p.m. Eastern Time.