The Say NO To Fear! Challenge is a self actualization process designed to assist you to live a more fulfilling life. It is not a positive thinking exercise. In fact, as you work the challenge you will quickly discover many more fears revealing themselves almost to the point of insanity! But don't panic! It's all part of the process!
Understanding brings clarity.
Clarity brings peace of mind.
Peace of mind brings movement.
Movement brings growth.
Clarity brings peace of mind.
Peace of mind brings movement.
Movement brings growth.
So why take the challenge?
The challenge helps you to:
(1) Understand What Fear Is And Is Not
There are a great deal of misconceptions about fear. We all have them. Myself being no exception! In fact, when I began developing this challenge in 2008, l had this idea that fear was the enemy, an enemy that had to be eliminated at any cost! It took almost a year before I realized nothing could be further from the truth!
This particular challenge helps in clearing away all those little pesky misconceptions of fear, guiding you into an awareness that fear is not nor has it ever been the enemy. This in turn frees you from the cycle of self inflicted abuse you have lived with throughout your human experience.
(2) Identify and Work Through The Issues That Frighten You and Keep You From Moving Forward
In order to work through all those fears in your life, they first must be identified and acknowledged. Some fears are quite apparent while others not so much! The only way to root them up is to get busy and begin looking at ourselves and clearing away thoughts that no longer serve us.
Many have fears and don’t know why.
Identifying your fears is merely the first step in understanding why you have them. Once the fears have been identified, acknowledged and sorted, the process of working through them begins. You do this by first working on the fears that are obvious and staring you in the face. Once you have accomplished this, the subtle fears start peeking out.
As each fear makes it’s appearance, it provides opportunity for healing. The healing in turn provides growth and movement.
(3) Provides Methods, Tips and Suggestions that will allow you to live with clarity and freedom
The Say NO To Fear! Challenge offers some thought provoking exercises along with some fun stuff you can do that bring about clarity, freedom and most importantly, healing!
Because we are all unique individuals who work in differing ways, dealing with common fears can prove to be a little challenging all unto itself. And not only that, many of the fears we have do not respond to certain methods. Which is why we offer a wide range of methodologies!
The Say NO To Fear! Challenge requires that you spend, at the very least, five minutes a day, each and every day, working the process. Five minutes a day! That’s all it takes to begin the healing process.
Say NO To Fear!
Take the Challenge! After all -- What do you have to lose?
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