Contrary to popular belief, fear is not the enemy. I'll repeat that. Fear is not the enemy! If anything, fear is our greatest ally. A life partner if you will. Granted there is a vast difference between fear and fright. But even fright proves to be anything but the enemy. It's all a matter in how you look at it.
Perception: to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses; to recognize, discern envision or understand.
Assume/Assumption: to take for granted or without proof; suppose; postulate; posit:
Perception and Assumption are often confused. Which is quite interesting seeing how they differ so greatly. Assumption is based on clouded and hasty judgments or perhaps ill informed advice, gossip, misinformation, etc. While Perception tends to look past what it is being shown or being told, utilizing other forms of senses to seek out the truth of a matter.
A perceptive person will seek out more information to gain clarity, while a person who assumes will not bother exerting any energy to expand their awareness on any matter.
For instance, you become "aware" of a situation about your boy/girl friend. At first glance, the situation appears as if that person is cheating on you. What is your reaction? Do you first get all the information regarding the situation? Or do you automatically assume that person is cheating on you?
Now think back on the time you thought and/or believed a certain way about a situation, a person, a culture or even a religion. Do you remember how your attitude changed once you came into more information about that thought and/or belief? Do you remember all the assumptions you had made during the time you had those thoughts/beliefs?
Now you are asking, what does this have to do with my fears? In short, everything!
When we assume ... when we did not bother getting the whole story. When we assume ... we create, generate and perpetuate certain fears.
Becoming perceptive takes work, but in the end it proves to be worth every ounce of effort made.
When you put forth the effort to gather the information, the whole story if you will, the chances of looking and being seen a fool is greatly diminished.
As the old saying goes ... When you assume ... you make an Ass out of U and Me!
Assuming that fear is the enemy only perpetuates that thought.
I cannot stress enough that Fear is not the enemy! And is not something that can be totally removed from the human experience. It is a necessity. A valuable tool that helps us to grow stronger, to become more alert ... and yes ... hones our perception on every level our experience.
Fear was never meant to make us afraid. It was meant to keep us alert and keep us safe.
But what happens when we take fear and hold on to it ... as though it were a matter of life and death? What about all those people who live with phobias? How is fear our friend and ally then?
Again, see where you are being perceptive and where you are assuming. These are the keys to unlock the door to your freedom. These are the tools that will assist you in seeing how valuable your fear(s) has been and is.
Yes, even those with phobias can take that step forward and seek out and search where they may be assuming certain things that they themselves, or perhaps others, have alleged to be true.
No one can do the work for you. It's all up to you! And no it isn't easy. No one said it would be.
But I promise you ... the work you do on your Self is worth the effort! Living free is it's own reward. But the choice ... as always ... is up to You!
Remember, you are not in this alone. There are many who are willing to assist you on your journey. All you need do is reach out. All you need do is ... Ask!

About Julia K. Cole
What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a persona calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!
Known as The Empress of the Known &; Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding. In her person empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life. As a psychic medium, Julia brings healing and comfort by serving as a liaison between those here in the physical realm and those who have crossed over into the spiritual planes of existence.
What can you expect from someone who considers Putting Reality Back Into Spirituality a persona calling? Straight forward answers that lead to life-changing experiences on a soul level!
Known as The Empress of the Known &; Unknown Universes™, Julia brings enlightenment and inspiration around the globe by providing spiritual guidance to those seeking a deeper understanding. In her person empowerment consultations, Julia provides in-depth advice, teaches you to tap into your own inner-strength and provides tools to enable you to live a more fulfilling and joyful life. As a psychic medium, Julia brings healing and comfort by serving as a liaison between those here in the physical realm and those who have crossed over into the spiritual planes of existence.