When we judge ourselves, we are judging someone. Believe it or not, we are someone. And we tend to forget that -- on a regular basis.
We don't like it when others judge us, yet we tend to judge ourselves often and with great fervor. Why? Well, that answer would take up more time than any of us really have. Sufficient to say, we do it! Our reasons, though varied, are based on one thing and one thing alone -- We don't love ourselves.
When you compare yourself to someone else -- you are judging yourself.
When you call yourself names, put yourself down for not "measuring up" -- you are judging yourself.
We've all heard it before. At least a million and one times! It is the proverbial wisdom of the ages. If you love yourself, then you won't judge yourself or others.
But here's the catch ... the wisdom of the ages is only useful if you actually apply it; more importantly, live it.
And before you even think about saying it ... I've heard it all before!
It's just too hard! I don't have time for this! Why do I have to be the one to do it? And my favorite ... I can't!
Yes, I've heard all the excuses. Truth be told, I invented half of them!
I wish I could say it was easy. It isn't! Then again, no one said it would be! But the bottom line is, what has taking the easy way gotten us?
Sure, we can play the "Blame Game"! Why not! It's easier to blame others for our feeling the way we do. Why accept the fact that we are in charge of our own feelings? Especially when it's easier to just hand our power over to someone else! "He/She made me (fill in the blanks)." Yea, so much easier than saying ... "I'm feeling angry or I'm feeling sad".
Deity of our Choice Forbid we ever admit we have the power to choose our feelings! Heaven and Hell forbid if we ever chose to admit we even had that power!
And why should we? Why should we own our power when it's so much easier to complain about how bad we have it? It's so much easier just sitting there on our collective asses and saying ... "I had a really bad childhood" or "I've had a rough life" or "I just have the worse kind of luck!" ... isn't it? Of course it is!
It's much easier to say ... "he/she made me do it!"
Yes, it is so much easier just to sit there and pity ourselves.
Taking responsibility for our feelings, for our life ... for our Self ... is the last thing we want to do.
It's easier to moan, groan, piss and bitch about it all. Let somebody else do it! After all, it's worked so well so far! Now hasn't it?
And then ... as we come to a point in our lives when we realize there isn't anyone to blame, we turn on ourselves. Instead of blaming others, we begin to blame ourselves. We start judging ourselves in ways no one else possibly could ever imagine! Breaking one cycle only to jump in to another.
If you were to record every criticism you hailed about yourself on your self, you would be shocked at how often, how cruel and with such authority you do it. It's frightening! We are so abusive towards ourselves, it's nothing short of criminal!
Not judging ourselves isn't something we stop doing over-night. We have a lot of fear to acknowledge, work through and accept.
Loving ourselves isn't easy because we haven't bothered doing it with any regularity.
So why not try something different? Why not spend the day not criticizing yourself? Just one day! Each time you catch yourself saying ... "I'm so stupid!" Why not say to yourself instead, "that's okay! Everybody makes mistakes! I can't learn, if I don't make a mistake once in a while!"
Try it! If only for one day! I mean ... what do you have to lose?
We don't like it when others judge us, yet we tend to judge ourselves often and with great fervor. Why? Well, that answer would take up more time than any of us really have. Sufficient to say, we do it! Our reasons, though varied, are based on one thing and one thing alone -- We don't love ourselves.
When you compare yourself to someone else -- you are judging yourself.
When you call yourself names, put yourself down for not "measuring up" -- you are judging yourself.
We've all heard it before. At least a million and one times! It is the proverbial wisdom of the ages. If you love yourself, then you won't judge yourself or others.
But here's the catch ... the wisdom of the ages is only useful if you actually apply it; more importantly, live it.
And before you even think about saying it ... I've heard it all before!
It's just too hard! I don't have time for this! Why do I have to be the one to do it? And my favorite ... I can't!
Yes, I've heard all the excuses. Truth be told, I invented half of them!
I wish I could say it was easy. It isn't! Then again, no one said it would be! But the bottom line is, what has taking the easy way gotten us?
Sure, we can play the "Blame Game"! Why not! It's easier to blame others for our feeling the way we do. Why accept the fact that we are in charge of our own feelings? Especially when it's easier to just hand our power over to someone else! "He/She made me (fill in the blanks)." Yea, so much easier than saying ... "I'm feeling angry or I'm feeling sad".
Deity of our Choice Forbid we ever admit we have the power to choose our feelings! Heaven and Hell forbid if we ever chose to admit we even had that power!
And why should we? Why should we own our power when it's so much easier to complain about how bad we have it? It's so much easier just sitting there on our collective asses and saying ... "I had a really bad childhood" or "I've had a rough life" or "I just have the worse kind of luck!" ... isn't it? Of course it is!
It's much easier to say ... "he/she made me do it!"
Yes, it is so much easier just to sit there and pity ourselves.
Taking responsibility for our feelings, for our life ... for our Self ... is the last thing we want to do.
It's easier to moan, groan, piss and bitch about it all. Let somebody else do it! After all, it's worked so well so far! Now hasn't it?
And then ... as we come to a point in our lives when we realize there isn't anyone to blame, we turn on ourselves. Instead of blaming others, we begin to blame ourselves. We start judging ourselves in ways no one else possibly could ever imagine! Breaking one cycle only to jump in to another.
If you were to record every criticism you hailed about yourself on your self, you would be shocked at how often, how cruel and with such authority you do it. It's frightening! We are so abusive towards ourselves, it's nothing short of criminal!
Not judging ourselves isn't something we stop doing over-night. We have a lot of fear to acknowledge, work through and accept.
Loving ourselves isn't easy because we haven't bothered doing it with any regularity.
So why not try something different? Why not spend the day not criticizing yourself? Just one day! Each time you catch yourself saying ... "I'm so stupid!" Why not say to yourself instead, "that's okay! Everybody makes mistakes! I can't learn, if I don't make a mistake once in a while!"
Try it! If only for one day! I mean ... what do you have to lose?